- “Speaking of my peers, some of them did not have particularly nice things to say about me, either, dating back to the Bartkowski breakthrough in 1975. Their attitude can be summed up in one word: jealousy.” The Agent: My 40-Year Career Making Deals and Changing the Game (Steinberg, Leigh; Arkush, Michael)–page 75
- “What was especially striking to me was that the professors envied the private-practice people, who in turn were envious of the professors. From the professors’ viewpoint, the private-practice people had it made, with their big salaries, plush offices, and absence of faculty meetings. To the private-practice crowd, though, the professors were the ones with the cushy jobs. They got a steady paycheck, free office space, short hours, and plenty of time to write. As the evening wore on, I listened to one tale of thwarted hopes after another. Finally I was jolted by an insight: none of these complaints were actually caused by pigheaded bureaucrats, lack of parking spaces, ungrateful clients, or anything of the sort. In other words, none of these brilliant, well-meaning people were upset for the reasons they thought they were. Their complaints were all symptoms of not taking the Big Leap! From this perspective, every story took on a different meaning,” The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level (Gay Hendricks) Page 117
- “I don’t need to worry about what blessings others have been granted and I denied. I must not let the weaknesses of others or differences between the events and circumstances of my life and others’ lives determine what kind of disciple I will be. How they follow and what blessings or hardships happen in their lives compared to mine, is between them and their Lord. I have control over only one life: my own. I have command over only one discipleship: my own.” What seek Ye?, S. Michael Wilcox