• “I have thought of that a good many times. We choose carefully the atmosphere that we breathe, that we may live in health. But sometimes, in our carelessness, we place ourselves in subjection to immoral influences that destroy our resistance of evil, and we are led to do things that we ought not to do and would not do if under the influence of the Lord. If we would only be humble, if we would only be prayerful, if we would only live in such a way that each hour of our lives we could truthfully say, “Father in heaven, I am willing and anxious to do what thou wouldst have me do,” Teachings of Presidents of the Church: George Albert Smith, Chapter 18: Stay on the Lord’s Side of the Line.
  • May 17, 1995 – Wednesday – Quito, Ecuador… “We took off to Chillogallo in an evil bus.  The bus driver about killed us trying to race a bus alongside.  Not too intelligent.  Well, we got off the bus, and the roundabout was full of big time confusion.  Elder Hanks & I were confused but decided to keep going to Hermano Baez’ house.  We started going down an alley (one of the most dangerous) and we felt like we were going to get jumped or robbed.  We just didn’t feel too good.  So Hanks said he had the feeling to just go home – Quick!  So we took off quickly.  I saw a members house & thought that it’d be smart to grab my keys that I had left there last week.  So we head up there, and in their house was…..Hermano Baez.  Also an inactive Stud that should be a big leader in the church.  Hanks & I knew that we were guided to this house, 1st of all to find Hermano Baez, & 2nd of all….we still don’t know.  We tried helping the inactive to commit to go to church, but we couldn’t.  We kind of felt we were sent there to change the inactives life, but we didn’t seem to had done it.  So we felt as if we failed.  All I know is that we were guided to that house by the Holy Ghost for some reason.  I don’t know if we will ever know why. Maybe we wouldn’t be hurt going to Baez’ house.  Who knows.  We did take out a reference from the Taxi driver on the way home. Maybe we were lead there.  The Lord works in mysterious ways.” –  Clinton Brown Missionary Journal