- “77% of retirees expect to receive specific advice from their government Social Security representative. However, SS representatives are prohibited from giving any advice.” A Great New Tool for Deciding When to Take Social Security
- “Of couples with assets over $250,000, 67% expect their financial planner to provide advice on Social Security claiming options. 57% of survey respondents said they would look for another advisor if their advisor couldn’t or wouldn’t analyze these options.” Clients Demand Social Security Election Guidance: Survey, Steve Garmhausen
- “Taking SS Benefits Before FRA: If an individual receiving SS benefits before the year one attains FRA earns more than the SS income threshold ($15,720-2015), then benefits are reduced by $1 for every $2 of earnings. If the individual loses some SS benefits because (s)he earned more than the income threshold after taking SS benefits before FRA, at FRA the individual’s SS benefits are automatically recalculated to now include the months the benefits were suspended.” Social Security and Medicare Answer Book, Fourth Edition, Q 9:10
- “Sometimes Health Problems Force People to Retire Early: If your client cannot work because of health problems, you should discuss applying for Social Security benefits, the amount of the disability benefit is the same as an unreduced full retirement benefit and there are attorneys who specialize in qualifying workers with health problems for Social Security disability.” Social Security Handbook, Amount of Disabled Workers Benefit