• “Strength training for four days a week for 13 weeks decreased lower back pain in chronic sufferers by nearly 30 percent, according to a recent report given at the annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine.” The New Abs Diet: The 6-Week Plan to Flatten Your Stomach and Keep You Lean forLife (The Abs Diet) (David Zinczenko and Ted Spiker). Paige 10
  • “Because most back pain is related to weak muscles in your trunk, maintaining a strong midsection can help resolve many back issues. The muscles that crisscross your midsection don’t function in isolation; they weave through your torso like a spiderweb, even attaching to your spine. When your abdominal muscles are weak, the muscles in your butt (your glutes) and along the backs of your legs (your hamstrings) have to compensate for the work your abs should be doing. The effect, besides promoting bad company morale for the muscles picking up the slack, is that it destabilizes the spine and eventually leads to back pain and strain—or even more serious back problems.”  The New Abs Diet: The 6-Week Plan to Flatten Your Stomach and Keep You Lean for Life (The Abs Diet) (David Zinczenko and Ted Spiker).  Page 19