• “October 25th, 1994 – Tuesday.  Puyo Ecuador… I tell you what, my Dad is an incredible man.  He sent some of his journal entries from Puerto Rico.  What he wrote hit me hard.  He wrote that he has “Bound” the Lord to do what he asks.  My Dad is obeying all of the commandments and denying all chance of Satan to mess with him.  Because of this and extreme faith, he prays to God and asks for something.  With fasting and faith he knows he’s going to receive his answer.  He bound the Lord twice – to not have a war in Puerto Rico, and to let him be home by a certain Sunday!  And they both happened.  I need to analyze myself.  I need to obey all commandments so that the Lord will be bound.  If I could bind the Lord I could be a very successful missionary.  My Dad’s a great example.  I love my family.” – Clinton Brown Missionary Journal
  • “Blessings depend on truth and obedience to law. Said Elder Nelson years later, “You can pray all you want, you can hope all you want, but until the law is fulfilled upon which that blessing predicated, it won’t happen.” Insight’s from a Prophet’ Life, Russell M. Nelson, Page 50
  • “In the early stages of pioneering work in open-heart surgery, Russell was drawn to three versus in the Doctrine and Covenants that seemed to have particular application for his work: “All kingdoms have a law given; And there are many kingdoms; for there is no space in the which there is no kingdom; and there is no kingdom in which there is no space, either a greater or lesser kingdom. And unto every kingdom is a given law; and unto every law there are certain bounds also and conditions” (Doctrine and Covenants 88:36-38). These versus combined with another clear scriptural promise from the Doctrine and Covenants inspired him- that “when we obtain any blessing from God, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicted” (Doctrine and Covenant 130:20).” Insight’s from a Prophet’ Life, Russell M. Nelson, Page 48