• “In a way, we in the philanthropic advisory field have the privilege of being generous with other people’s money. If clients are to feel the joy of giving, we must feel it too. We set an example with our own giving, and in our own enthusiasm about it. We find the giver in the client by first finding the giver in ourselves. By the same token, when the client or donor does make a significant gift, we should take some personal satisfaction in that, some sense of pride. Donors and clients who make that big decision may feel a moment of doubt, or “giver’s remorse.” To have you as the advisor or gift planner delight in the gift, and to congratulate them on it, to celebrate it, may seem a small thing, but donors will appreciate it and remember it for a long time.”  A DONOR FRIENDLY OVERVIEW OF CHARITABLE TOOLS.  Phil Cubeta, CLU, ChFC, MSFS, CAP, The Sallie B. and William B. Wallace Chair in Philanthropy at The American College.  Page 12