• “By learning of Him, by believing in Him, by following Him, there is the capacity to become like Him.  The countenance can change;  the heart can be softened; the step can be quickened; the outlook enhanced.  Life becomes what it should become.  Change is at times imperceptible, but it does take place” Thomas S. Monson, Ensign, January 2003, 4
  • “This phenomenon of service to others in a role as a great number two has been greatly under-appreciated in modern times.  We, in the West, have decided that leadership can only come from first achieving a position as number one. All of these men’s lives give the lie to that proposition.  Isn’t it fascinating that in many cases the number two is the man history remembers, while the man or woman he served is less well known?” A Reflection on the Nature and Practice of the Role of the Personne de Confiance in a System of Family Governance; Historically and Today.  By James E. Hughes, Jr., Esq.