• “Short-term debt, like credit cards, can be accessories to a financially dishonest life—something you really can’t afford. Most short-term debt finances a lifestyle, rather than the purchase of genuine assets that hold their value over time. Once charges are made to a credit card, for example, what do you have to show for them? You might have more clothes, furniture, gifts, electronics, or dinners out—which is all great stuff to buy if you can truly afford it. But it’s likely that you spent money on something you really didn’t need in the first place, and now that money is gone.”Money Girl’s Smart Moves to Deal with Your Debt (Laura D. Adams) Kindle Location 125-29
  • “Consumer spending is famous for offering buyers fleeting joy followed by long-lasting debt that really accomplishes nothing more than a reduction of personal net worth.” Money Girl’s Smart Moves to Deal with Your Debt (Laura D. Adams) Kindle Location 129-30