• “Many of us crimp the flow of positive energy by avoiding it altogether. The mechanism we use is what I call deflection; it’s so common we almost take it for granted in human life. Think of how many times you’ve heard conversations like the following example of deflection: JOE: You did a great job on that presentation. JACK: Nah, I ran out of time and had to leave out some of the best stuff. JOE: Still, I noticed that people were really paying attention. JACK: I’m glad they weren’t paying too close attention, because they would have seen more places I messed up. Deflection keeps the positive energy from landing, being received, and being acknowledged.” The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level (Gay Hendricks) Page 80
  • “Deflection keeps us from challenging ourselves, preventing us from expanding our capacity for experiencing positive energy.” The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level (Gay Hendricks) Page 81