- Mark 3:14-19…The names of Christ’s disciples
- John 6:66-69…Difference between disciples and Apostles
- Mormon 1:13-14, 16…Too much wickedness, disciples taken away
- Mormon 8:10… Too much wickedness, disciples taken away
- “The word disciple come from the Latin (meaning) a learner. A disciple of Christ is one who is learning to be like Christ- learning to think, to feel, and to act (like) he does. To be a true disciple, to fulfill that learning task, is the most demanding regimen known to man. No other discipline compares…in either requirements or rewards. It involves the total transformation of a person from the state of a natural man to that of a saint, one who loves the Lord and serves with all of his heart, might, mind, and strength.” Chauncey C Riddle. “Becoming a Disciple.” Ensign, Sept 1974, pg. 81
- “The dues of durable discipleship are high indeed. Yet how much we can take so often determines how much we can then give.” Neal A. Maxwell, Not My Will But Thine [1988], 121
- “We have always been invited to present our best selves. … We should be recognizable in appearance as well as in behavior that we truly are disciples of Christ.” —Elder Jeffrey R. Holland
- Matthew 26:56…But all this was done, that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled. Then all the disciples forsook him, and fled.