• March 12th, 1995 – Sunday.  Quito, Ecuador …”I need to focus 100% on my mission on earth.  It’s so urgent.  I’ve had a few experiences that I now realize were Satan.  At Ricks College, more at the time when I had sent in my papers for the mission, I would take a lot of naps.  Baseball would tire me out.  During these naps I would have horrible dreams, with me fighting Satan (himself) in my dreams.  He was such an ugly figure and screamed and looked like a Beast. I would try to wake up from my sleep, but at times couldn’t.  I would be awake mentally, but I just couldn’t open my eyes or talk.  It was as if someone was holding my tongue.  I would try calling Leroy or Jeremy Bowman but I just couldn’t.  When I finally would wake up I would be so tired I would fall right back to sleep and repeat the whole pattern.  At the time I had these same “Evil” feelings around me but I ignored them.  Now I know that it was Satan.  He is for real, and didn’t want me on my mission.”  – Clinton Brown Missionary Journal
  • March 12th, 1995 – Sunday.  Quito, Ecuador …”If I’m going to have an encounter with Satan, I need to be prepared.  The spiritual war is still going on.  When we sin, Satan wins that battle, when we decide not to, and we find the escape route (1 Corinthians 10:13) then the Lord (us) we win the battle.  Satan won’t win the war, that’s a given.  It’s up to us individually to win these battles.  These battles don’t affect the Lord or his “victory” he will have over Satan, but rather these battles are for the salvation of each person.  We need to win these battles, and save ourselves so we’re on the Lord’s side.” – Clinton Brown Missionary Journal
  • “No righteous man is ever taken before his time.” Joseph Fielding Smith, funeral of Richard L. Evans