• Alma 18: 17…When obeying leaders outside the church (jobs, school, etc) do what they say IF IT IS RIGHT.
  • “Continually ask yourself these key questions: ‘What am I really good at? What do I enjoy the most about my work? What has been most responsible for my success in the past? If I could do any job at all, what job would it be?’ If you won the lottery or came into an enormous amount of money and you could choose any job or any part of a job to do for the indefinite future, what work would you choose?”Eat That Frog, Brian Tracy, Page 69
  • “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” Winston Churchill. Beating the Midas Curse, by Perry L. Cochell and Rodney C. Zeeb, Page 145
  • “To make your work meaningful, you need to align it with your true nature. “Work is holy, sacred, and uplifting when it springs from who we are, when it bears a relationship to our unfolding journey,” writes activist, teacher, and lay monk Wayne Teasdale in A Monk in the World. “For work to be sacred, it must be connected to our spiritual realization. Our work has to represent our passion, our desire to contribute to our culture, especially to the development of others. By passion I mean the talents we have to share with others, the talents that shape our destiny and allow us to be of real service to others in our community.”” Eleven Rings: The Soul of Success. Phil Jackson and Hugh Delehanty. Page 125
  • “If you are in a job you don’t care for, if you want to change your position, if you are having problems at work, or if you are out of work, the best way to handle it is this: Begin by blessing your current position with love. Realize that this is only a stepping stone on your pathway. You are where you are because of your own thinking patterns.”  You Can Heal Your Life (Louise Hay)Page 105
  • “I am totally open and receptive to a wonderful new position, one that uses all my talents and abilities, and allows me to express creatively in ways that are fulfilling to me. I work with and for people whom I love, and who love and respect me, in a wonderful location and earning good money.”You Can Heal Your Life (Louise Hay)Page 106
  • “Laziness. A guy addicted to video games can waste hour after hour after hour without doing anything productive. Playing games is easy. Studying is hard. Taking care of daily chores is hard. Working on a real job is hard.” Boys Adrift: The Five Factors Driving the Growing Epidemic of Unmotivated Boys and Underachieving Young Men (Leonard Sax) Page 76
  • “It is important that we keep our thinking straight, my brothers and sisters. Let us ever keep in mind that all material things are but a means to an end, that the end is spiritual, although the Lord is anxious and willing to bless his people temporally. He has so indicated in many of the revelations. He has pointed out, time and time again, that we should pray over our crops, over our livestock, over our households, our homes, and invoke the Lord’s blessings upon our material affairs. And he has promised that he will be there and ready and willing to bless us. The Lord will not do for us what we can and should do for ourselves. But it is his purpose to take care of his Saints. Everything that concerns the economic, social, and spiritual welfare of the human family is and ever will be the concern of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.” Manual, Teachings of the Presidents of the Church: Ezra Taft Benson, Chapter 21 Principles of Temporal and Spiritual Warfare