• “This new way of being with time delivers four main benefits: You get more done in less time. You enjoy plenty of time and abundant energy for your most important creative activities. You discover your unique abilities and how to express them. You feel good inside.” The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level (Gay Hendricks)- Highlight on Page 163
  • “Einstein Time gives you a way to expand the amount of time you have for creative expression and intimate connections. With Einstein Time, you not only save time; you’ll learn how to become the source of time so you can make as much of it as you want. With Einstein Time, you’ll also discover how to liberate the energy you need for accomplishing your most precious activities. You’ll understand exactly what drains your creative energy and how to stop the drain. The result: no more rushing, no more time pressure, no more feeling exhausted because you worked all day and didn’t get any of the important things done. Instead, you have plenty of time, an abundance of energy, and the skills that will keep both time and energy in a constant state of refreshing renewal.” The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level (Gay Hendricks)- Highlight on Page 164
  • “When you are fully rested, for example, you can get two times, three times, and five times as much done as when you are tired or burned out. One of the most important requirements for being happy and productive is for you to guard and nurture your energy levels at all times.” Eat That Frog, Brian Tracy, Page 80
  • “Going to bed early five nights a week, sleeping in on the weekends, and taking one full day off each week will ensure that you have far more energy.” Eat That Frog, Brian Tracy, Page 82
  • “In her book The Zen Leader, Ginny Whitelaw describes how joy arises when people are bound together by a strong sense of connectedness. “This joy may be more subtle than the ‘jump for joy’ variety,” she writes. “It may feel like full engagement in what we do, and a quiet satisfaction arising. It may feel like energy that keeps renewing itself, much as pumping a swing seemingly gives us more energy than it takes.”” Eleven Rings: The Soul of Success. Phil Jackson and Hugh Delehanty. Page 244
  • “Eckhart Tolle observes: “With enthusiasm, you find you don’t have to do it all yourself. In fact, there is nothing of significance you can do by yourself. Sustained enthusiasm brings into existence a wave of creative energy and all you have to do then is ride the wave.”” Eleven Rings: The Soul of Success. Phil Jackson and Hugh Delehanty. Page 244
  • “In Western culture, we tend to view anger as a flaw that needs to be eliminated. That’s how I was raised. As devout Christians, my parents felt that anger was a sin and should be dispelled. But trying to eliminate anger never works. The more you try to suppress it, the more likely it is to erupt later in a more virulent form. A better approach is to become as intimate as possible with how anger works on your mind and body so that you can transform its underlying energy into something productive. As Buddhist scholar, Robert Thurman writes, “Our goal surely is to conquer anger, but not to destroy the fire it has misappropriated. We will wield that fire with wisdom and turn it to creative ends.”” Eleven Rings: The Soul of Success. Phil Jackson and Hugh Delehanty. Page 269
  • “Michael Jenson, MD, a professor of medicine in the division of endocrinology, diabetes, and metabolism at the Mayo Clinic, calculated this breakdown of how your body processes food. 10 percent to the kidneys. Kidneys work to make sure the blood is balanced with the right amounts of water and nutrients. 5-10 percent to the heart. The heart gets most of its energy from fat, which provides more long-term energy for the hardworking heart than glucose can. 23 percent to the liver, pancreas, spleen, and adrenal glands. After the liver pulls out nutrients, it stores excess calories as glycogen. 25 percent to muscles. Muscles require a constant source of energy just to maintain their mass, so the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn. 10 percent to the brain. Glucose is brain fuel. It can’t be stored long term, which is why people often feel faint if they skip a meal. 10 percent to thermogenesis. The simple act of breaking down the food you just ate takes up one-tenth of your calories. 2-3 percent to fat cells. Your fat cells grow and eventually divide as more and more calories are deposited. 10 percent to no one knows where. Your body’s a big place, and some calories go unaccounted for.”  The New Abs Diet: The 6-Week Plan to Flatten Your Stomach and Keep You Lean for Life (The Abs Diet) (David Zinczenko and Ted Spiker).
  • D&C 84:33 -35…  For whoso is faithful unto the obtaining these two priesthoods of which I have spoken, and the magnifying their calling, are sanctified by the Spirit unto the renewing of their bodies. 34  They become the sons of Moses and of Aaron and the seed of Abraham, and the church and kingdom, and the elect of God. 35 And also all they who receive this priesthood receive me, saith the Lord;