- March 12th, 1995 – Sunday. Quito, Ecuador …”We need to be so strong spiritually in this world because there are evil spirits all over the place. President Farnsworth says 20 for every Elder. I believe it.” – Clinton Brown Missionary Journal
- March 12th, 1995 – Sunday. Quito, Ecuador …”I need to focus 100% on my mission on earth. It’s so urgent. I’ve had a few experiences that I now realize were Satan. At Ricks College, more at the time when I had sent in my papers for the mission, I would take a lot of naps. Baseball would tire me out. During these naps I would have horrible dreams, with me fighting Satan (himself) in my dreams. He was such an ugly figure and screamed and looked like a Beast. I would try to wake up from my sleep, but at times couldn’t. I would be awake mentally, but I just couldn’t open my eyes or talk. It was as if someone was holding my tongue. I would try calling Leroy or Jeremy Bowman but I just couldn’t. When I finally would wake up I would be so tired I would fall right back to sleep and repeat the whole pattern. At the time I had these same “Evil” feelings around me but I ignored them. Now I know that it was Satan. He is for real, and didn’t want me on my mission.” – Clinton Brown Missionary Journal