• “The next time you find yourself with a stomachache, a throbbing head, or a stubbed toe, ask yourself if you might be Upper-Limiting. Sometimes a headache’s just a headache, but often if you look a little deeper you’ll find that it’s an expression of your Upper Limit Problem. Then, it’s a signal that you need to expand instead of contract. It’s telling you that it’s time to open up and embrace a new high-water mark of positive energy that’s trying to establish itself in you. Underneath the headache might be an insight that is as powerfully positive as the pain is negative. The surface pain is often caused by resisting the underlying positive message. Sometimes the positive message is a message we’re afraid to hear, such as “It’s time to quit my job and do something else.”” The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level (Gay Hendricks) Page 96
  • “In an April 2 interview in Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun, posted on the April 12 on-line Nihon KeizaiShimbun, Son was asked why SoftBank was expanding business at such a torrid pace. His answer: “A company’s value is determined by challenge and evolution. A company that only defends whatever it has achieved will not grow bigger and stronger; it will only sink below an evolving world above.””