- “October 27th, 1994 – Thursday. Puyo Ecuador...Today we were teaching Wilson and there was a guy hammering. When we were watching the 1st vision, it was close to the part of the vision and I knew it would touch him. Also the people were getting rowdy. So I said a prayer in my mind and said In the name of Jesus for this man to stop hammering and for everything to be peaceful for the Vision part. 5 seconds later the man stopped hammering, the baby stopped crying and everyone paid attention to the video & was touched. Right after everything important was said in the video the noise started again. I know the Lord answers prayers. I realized a little bit that with faith and in the name of Jesus Christ I can do a lot of things. I also did the same for the Miranda family the 1st time we taught them. It was raining on their tin roof & we couldn’t hear the video. I prayed & it stopped raining. It started again after the video. I know Joseph Smith was a prophet. The Lord wants everyone to know this.” – Clinton Brown Missionary Journal
- “That sacred appearance, that vision-visitation in Palmyra, is the foundation on which the Restoration is built. It is the beginning of the revelation of God to humankind in these last days. Ours is a time foreseen by holy men and women for generations and centuries, a pivotal moment when righteousness would be sent down from heaven and truth would spring forth out of the earth.” I Saw a Pillar of Light, Robert L. Millet