• “When I maintain an attitude of cheerful wonder and keen interest toward my faults and flaws, I see them dissolve and transform much more rapidly than when I give myself a hard time about them. If you’re willing to adopt a playful attitude toward yourself and your shortcomings, you can make extraordinarily rapid progress. It’s easier to chuckle over things than to fret over them, and chuckling is much more fun for the people around you.” The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level (Gay Hendricks)- Page 110
  • “One of the biggest drivers of the Upper Limit Problem is a false belief that says, “I’m fundamentally flawed and don’t deserve success.”  The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level (Gay Hendricks)- Highlight on Page 188
  • “I invite you to join me in regularly turning inward to confront there anything we wouldn’t want others to see. It may not be pornography, but it may be arrogance or unkindness, impatience or vanity, or any number of other flaws we need to remedy. Whatever it is let us trim our lamps, add oil, and make those changes necessary that allow us to hold up a brighter candle, a purer light. Christ-focused some of His most pointed opprobrium for the hypocrite. We must never be guilty of that in this battle. Each of us must be the best person we can be in every way we can.”  Broken Things to Mend (Jeffrey R. Holland) Kindle Loc. 1262-65