- “Leadership is not about forcing your will on others. It’s about mastering the art of letting go.” Eleven Rings: The Soul of Success. Phil Jackson and Hugh Delehanty. Page 309
“Obesity has overtaken smoking as the leading cause of premature heart attacks in the United States. Imagine that—overeating is worse for you than smoking a pack a day. We’ve forced the smokers out of our restaurants and onto the sidewalk to light up, and yet you can still order an appetizer off the menu that delivers a day’s worth of calories and enough grease to turn your colon into a Roman candle. Go figure.” The New Abs Diet: The 6-Week Plan to Flatten Your Stomach and Keep You Lean for Life (The Abs Diet) (David Zinczenko and Ted Spiker) Page xii - “Overweight people are: 50 percent more likely to develop heart disease (obese: up to 100 percent) Up to 360 percent more likely to develop diabetes (obese: up to 1,020 percent) 16 percent more likely to die of a first heart attack (obese: 49 percent) Roughly 50 percent more likely to have total cholesterol above 250 (obese: up to 122 percent) 14 percent less attractive to the opposite sex (obese: 43 percent) Likely to spend 37 percent more a year at the pharmacy (obese: 105 percent) Likely to stay 19 percent longer in the hospital (obese: 49 percent) 20 percent more likely to have asthma (obese: 50 percent) Up to 31 percent more likely to die of any cause (obese: 62 percent) 19 percent more likely to die in a car crash (obese: 37 percent) 120 percent more likely to develop stomach cancer (obese: 330 percent) Up to 90 percent more likely to develop gallstones (obese: up to 150 percent) 590 percent more likely to develop esophageal cancer (obese: 1,520 percent) 35 percent more likely to develop kidney cancer (obese: 70 percent) 14 percent more likely to have osteoarthritis (obese: 34 percent) 70 percent more likely to develop high blood pressure (obese: up to 170 percent)” The New Abs Diet: The 6-Week Plan to Flatten Your Stomach and Keep You Lean for Life (The Abs Diet) (David Zinczenko and Ted Spiker). Paige 4
- “In any case, abdominal fat doesn’t just sit there and do nothing; it’s active. It functions like a separate organ, releasing substances that can be harmful to your body. For instance, it releases free fatty acids that impair your ability to break down the hormone insulin (too much insulin in your system can lead to diabetes). Fat also secretes substances that increase your risk of heart attacks and strokes, as well as the stress hormone cortisol (high levels of cortisol are also associated with diabetes and obesity as well as with high blood pressure). Abdominal fat bears the blame for many health problems because it resides within striking distance of your heart, liver, and other organs—pressing on them, feeding them poisons, and messing with their daily function.” The New Abs Diet: The 6-Week Plan to Flatten Your Stomach and Keep You Lean for Life (The Abs Diet) (David Zinczenko and Ted Spiker). Page11
- “The calories you can’t burn are what convert into the fat cells that pad your gut and leave you with a disease that, if untreated, can lead to blindness, heart attacks, strokes, amputation, and death.” The New Abs Diet: The 6-Week Plan to Flatten Your Stomach and Keep You Lean for Life (The Abs Diet) (David Zinczenko and Ted Spiker). Page14
- “When the pressure remains high for years on end, thin-walled vessels in the brain can burst under extreme pressure; brain cells die as a result in what’s known as a hemorrhagic stroke. Or hypertension can cause plaque buildup in one of the brain’s arteries, eventually cutting off bloodflow. (High blood pressure damages smooth artery walls, creating anchor points for plaque to latch onto.) Kidney failure or a heart attack can also follow from dangerous plaque accumulations.” The New Abs Diet: The 6-Week Plan to Flatten Your Stomach and Keep You Lean for Life (The Abs Diet) (DavidZinczenko and Ted Spiker). Page 22
- “THE HEART, of course, represents love, while our blood represents joy. Our hearts lovingly pump joy throughout our bodies. When we deny ourselves joy and love, the heart shrivels and becomes cold. As a result, the blood gets sluggish, and we creep our way to ANEMIA, ANGINA, and HEART ATTACKS. The heart does not “attack” us. We get so caught up in the soap opera and dramas we create that we often forget to notice the little joys that surround us. We spend years squeezing all the joy out of the heart, and it literally falls over in pain. Heart attack people are never joyous people. If they do not take the time to appreciate the joys of life, they will just recreate another heart attack in time.” You Can Heal Your Life (Louise Hay) Page 129