• “This relationship between Christ and His Father is one of the sweetest and most moving themes running through the Savior’s ministry. Jesus’ entire being, His complete purpose, and delight were centered in pleasing His Father and obeying His will. Of Him He seemed always to be thinking; to Him, He seemed always to be praying. Unlike us, He needed no crisis, no discouraging shift in events to direct His hopes heavenward. He was already instinctively, longingly looking that way.”  Broken Things to Mend (Jeffrey R. Holland) Kindle Loc. 296-99
  • “In that most burdensome moment of all human history, with blood appearing at every pore and an anguished cry upon His lips, Christ sought Him whom He had always sought—His Father. “Abba,” he cried, “Papa,” or from the lips of a younger child, something akin to “Daddy” (Mark 14:36). This is such a personal moment it almost seems a sacrilege to cite it. A Son in unrelieved pain, a Father His only true source of strength, both of them staying the course, making it through the night—together. Broken Things to Mend (Jeffrey R. Holland) Kindle Loc. 365-69
  • “Even our concept of God needs to be one that is for us, not against us.” You Can Heal Your Life (Louise Hay)Page 7
  • “If men do not comprehend the character of God, they do not comprehend themselves.”  (Joseph Smith, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith [1976], 343)
  • “Across the centuries, no experience has been more universal and helpful in the sense of someone caring for us, near enough to be called upon, responsive enough to understand. He is real and he is personal and should be idealized but also realized. We must not only possess the idea of God but we should be possessed by it. Men do not believe in God because they have proved Him. Rather they try endlessly to prove Him because they can’t help believing in Him.”  (Hugh B. Brown, “God is the Gardener,” May 31, 1968, 10)
  • “No matter how serious the trial, how deep the distress, how great the affliction, God will never desert us. He never has, and He never will. He cannot do it. It is against His character to do so. He is an unchangeable being…He will stand by us. We may pass through deep waters, but we shall not be consumed nor overwhelmed. We shall emerge from these trials and difficulties the better and the purer for them if we only trust in our God and keep His commandments.”  (George Q. Cannon, If Thou Endure It Well, 121)
  • “…We who feel ourselves sometimes so worthless, so good-for-nothing, we are not so worthless as we think. There is not one of us but what God’s love has been expanded upon. There is not one of us that He has not cared for and caressed. There is not one of us that He has not desired to save and that He has not devised means to save. There is not one of us that He has not given His angel’s charge concerning. We may be insignificant and contemptible in our own eyes and in the eyes of others, but the truth remains that we are children of God and that He has actually given His angels…charge concerning us, and they watch over us and have us in their keeping.” (George Q. Cannon, Gospel Truths [1974], 1:2; Ensign, May 1989, 21)
  • “God’s purpose can best be expressed in [this verse]. In the expansiveness of space, there is stunning personalness, for God knows and loves each of us. We are not ciphers in unexplained space. Remember the Psalmist’s query, ‘What is man that thou art mindful of him?’ yet mankind is at the very center of God’s work. We are the sheep of His hand and the people of His pasture. His work includes our immortalization – accomplished by Christ’s glorious atonement. Think of it, brothers and sisters, even with their extensive longevity, stars are not immortal. But we are.”  (Neal A. Maxwell, Church News, 17 Aug. 2002, 3)
  • “Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father and how familiar his face is to us.”  (Ezra Taft Benson, Ensign, Dec. 1988, 6)
  •  “Having seen vast and spectacular things; Enoch rejoiced. But over what? He rejoiced over his personal assurance about God, ‘yet thou art there’. (Neal A. Maxwell, Church News, 17 Aug. 2002, 3)
  • “…One distant day it will…become more apparent than it now is that our loving Father is doing all even He possibly can do to help us! The Restored gospel of Jesus Christ is evidence of His help.”  (Neal A. Maxwell, Ensign, Mar. 1998, 13)
  • ‘A great knowledge of the goodness…of God.’ “May I submit to you that people who don’t know that fact are terribly deprived doctrinally. They call into question the purposes and trials of life. When we know that God is perfect in His goodness, it will sustain us through the vicissitudes of life. Without this vital knowledge about God’s character and purposes, skepticism swells!” (Neal A. Maxwell, Ensign, Apr. 2003, 33-34)
  • “Petitioning in prayer has taught me, again and again, that the vault of heaven with all its blessings is to be opened only by a combination lock. One tumbler falls when there is faith, a second when there is personal righteousness; the third and final tumbler falls only when what is sought is, in God’s judgment – not ours – right for us. Sometimes we pound on the vault door for something we want very much and wonder why the door does not open. We would be very spoiled children if that vault door opened any more easily than it does. I can tell, looking back, that God truly loves me by inventorying the petitions He has refused to grant me. Our rejected petitions tell us much about ourselves but also much about our flawless Father.”  (Neal A. Maxwell, New Era, Apr. 1978, 6)
  • “When we truly know how caring of us God is, then we know what to care about.”  (Neal A. Maxwell, Sermons Not Spoken [1985], 16)
  • “Choose to converse with your Father in Heaven often. Make time every day to share your thoughts and feelings with Him. Tell Him everything that concerns you. He is interested in the most important as well as the most mundane facets of your life. Share with Him your full range of feelings and experiences. Because He respects your agency, Father in Heaven will never force you to pray to Him. But as you exercise that agency and include Him in every aspect of your daily life, your heart will begin to fill with peace, buoyant peace. That peace will focus an eternal light on your struggles. It will help you to manage those challenges from an eternal perspective.” Richard G. Scott, October 2014 General Conference
  • Book of Mormon, Mosiah 2: 23-24 …23 And now, in the first place, he hath created you, and granted unto you your lives, for which ye are indebted unto him.  24 And secondly, he doth require that ye should do as he hath commanded you; for which if ye do, he doth immediately bless you; and therefore he hath paid you. And ye are still indebted unto him, and are, and will be, forever and ever; therefore, of what have ye to boast?
  • Jacob 4: 9…  For behold, by the power of his word man came upon the face of the earth, which earth was created by the power of his word. Wherefore, if God being able to speak and the world was, and to speak and man was created, O then, why not able to command the earth, or the workmanship of his hands upon the face of it, according to his will and pleasure?
  • “November 9th, 1994 – Wednesday (Zone Conference Tungurahua). Ambato & Puyo Ecuador…I know that if we’re going to be Gods someday that we’re going to have to keep a strict schedule. I don’t think God is ever tardy, and I know he’s organized. Might as well try to perfect this here on this earth-life.” – Clinton Brown Missionary Journal
  • Mosiah  7:47… “Having seen vast and spectacular things; Enoch rejoiced. But over what? He rejoiced over his personal assurance about God, ‘yet thou art there’ (Mos. 7:30). (Neal A. Maxwell, Church News, 17 Aug. 2002, 3)
  • 1 Nephi 1:1… ‘A great knowledge of the goodness…of God.’ “May I submit to you that people who don’t know that fact are terribly deprived doctrinally. They call into question the purposes and trials of life. When we know that God is perfect in His goodness, it will sustain us through the vicissitudes of life. Without this vital knowledge about God’s character and purposes, skepticism swells!”  (Neal A. Maxwell, Ensign, Apr. 2003, 33-34)
  • Jacob 3: 1… But behold, I, Jacob, would speak unto you that are pure in heart. Look unto God with firmness of mind, and pray unto him with exceeding faith, and he will console you in your afflictions, and he will plead your cause, and send down justice upon those who seek your destruction.
  • “There are two influences in the world today and have been from the beginning. One is an influence that is constructive, that radiates happiness, and that builds character. The other influence is one that destroys, turns men into demons, tears down, and discourages. We are all susceptible to both. The one comes from our Heavenly Father and the other comes from the source of evil that has been in the world from the beginning seeking to bring about the destruction of the human family.”  Teachings of Presidents of the Church: George Albert Smith, 2010, Page 9
  • “When I was a child I recognized or thought I did, that the commandments of the Lord were His laws and regulations for my guidance. I thought I recognized in the disobedience to those laws that punishment would follow, and as a child, I presume I may have felt that the Lord had so arranged affairs and so ordained matters in this life that I must obey certain laws or swift retribution would follow. But as I grew older I have learned the lesson from another viewpoint, and now to me the laws of the Lord, so-called, the counsels contained in the Holy Scriptures, the revelations of the Lord to us in this day and age of the world, are but the sweet music of the voice of our Father in heaven in His mercy to us. They are but the advice and counsel of a loving parent, who is more concerned in our welfare than earthly parents can be, and consequently, that which at one time seemed to bear the harsh name of the law to me is now the loving and tender advice of an all-wise Heavenly Father. And so I say it is not hard for me to believe that it is best for me to keep the commandments of God.” Teachings of Presidents of the Church: George Albert Smith, 2010, Page 6
  • “Every trial a man goes through, if he is faithful in that trial and does honor to God and his religion he has espoused, at the end of that trial or affliction that individual is nearer to God, nearer in regard to the increase of faith, wisdom, knowledge and power, and hence is more confident in calling upon the Lord for those things he desires. I have known individuals who have trembled at the idea of passing through certain ordeals who after they were through the temptation have said they could approach the Lord in more confidence and ask for such blessings as they desired…” Chapter 7: Faithfulness in Times of Trial: “From the Shadows into the Glorious Sunshine”
  • The Lord is not only a loving, caring Heavenly Father, but a wise one as well. He cares for His children and wants us to be happy and safe and cherished and fulfilled and free.” The Second Coming of the Lord by Gerald N. Lund