• 1 Nephi 3:5…When a leader requires something of you, it isn’t from him, but from the Lord
  • Romans 1:9…Paul prays without ceasing for the members.
  • 1 Corinthians 9:19-23…Members and missionaries should adapt themselves to the people they save and dwell with.
  • 2 Corinthians 11:23-28…Church leaders experience hardships and trials in their daily life and on top of it need to fulfill their church duties.
  • Alma 31:8-11…Members that fall into great errors (1) stop observing to keep the commandments of God and his statutes; (2) Stop observing the performances of the church – (daily prayer and supplication to God); (3) Do pervert the ways of the Lord; Need to have the word preached to them.
  • Alma 31:5…The word of God is powerful and leads people to do that which is just.
  •  Alma 31:1-2…Iniquity within people should cause sorrow and sickness in the hearts of those who love them.
  • Alma 30: 32…Church leaders support themselves with their own hearts
  • Alma 5: 49…Missionaries, members, etc. are called to preach to old and young (aged, middle aged, etc.) to repent & be born again
  • Alma 29: 15…One needs to labor exceedingly to bring forth much fruit – then great will be their reward
  • Alma 11:46…Speak boldly, directly, with pure doctrine and it will cause the sinners to tremble and be astonished.
  • Alma 5:59…When the wolves enter a shepherd’s flock, the shepherd drives them out and destroys them.
  • Mosiah 29: 17-18…Bad examples of one leader can cause destruction
  • Mosiah 29: 14…A leader should teach his people the commandments and establish peace
  • Alma 21:23…A good leader teaches his people all things pertaining to righteousness, exhorting them daily, with all diligence (If he does this, they’ll (1) give heed to his word; (2) be zealous for keeping the commandments of God.)
  • Alma 21:22…Righteous leaders allow their people to have freedom of worship.
  • Alma 18: 17…When obeying leaders outside the church (jobs, school, etc) do what they say IF IT IS RIGHT.
  • Alma 17: 33…Leaders should make sure that their sheep are protected and should defend them against those that want to scatter them
  • Alma 17: 18…A leader should bless and administer to his people
  • Alma 17: 4…The power of one’s words can cause others to repent
  • Alma 12:37…When a leader speaks, he should use “us” and “we”.
  • Alma 13:17-18…When a leader has wicked people, he should exercise great faith and preach repentance.
  • Alma 23: 1-4…Convert a leader and you convert his people
  • Alma 23: 1-2…Missionaries usually gain respect and support and are protected by their local leaders
  • Alma 13: 27…The righteous should wish with great anxiety (even unto pain) that others listen to the word of God and cast off their sins
  • Hebrews 13: 17…Obey your Leaders
  • Alma 60: 36…Attitude of a Leaders
  • Mosiah 18: 24…Leaders of the church work for own food
  • Alma 30: 32-33…Leaders of the church work for own food
  • Mormon 3: 11-12…Don’t lead a wicked people
  • Mosiah 29: 40, 43…A leader with respect
  • Mormon 39: 45…Leader with rebels
  • Mormon 3: 9-15…Leader with rebels
  • D&C 133: 71-73…Obey your leaders or you’re in hell
  • 3 Nephi 3: 12-16…How to be a good leader (Laconeo)
  • Jacob 4: 10…Don’t counsel your leaders
  • 4 Nephi 1: 34…What leaders guided by Satan can do (blind the people)
  • Mormon 2: 2…Young Leaders, called of God
  • Ether 10: 7…Leaders influence how their people will be
  • 1 Nephi 2: 12…People murmur against leaders b/c they don’t understand
  • 1 Nephi 3: 5…Lord commands & speaks through his leaders
  • 2 Nephi 1: 25…Leaders don’t seek power & authority, but welfare of others
  • Ezequiel 34: 1-16…Leaders should watch for, look for, and feed their sheep
  • Jacob 1: 10…Work your whole life for other’s welfare (they’ll love you)
  • Jacob 1: 19…Teach with all diligence, and work with all energy so that sins of others don’t spot you
  • Jacob 4: 10…Don’t try & counsel God or His leaders. They counsel with wisdom, justice and mercy
  • Jacob 3: 9…Evaluate yourself, not others (Leaders)
  • Jacob 5: 20, 23…Leaders are to take their fruit (auto dominion) and keep it (good) until the Lord takes it for Himself
  • Jacob 5: 21-22…Don’t counsel your L.
  • Jacob 5: 28…Leaders (with the Lord) should nourish & fortify all the people
  • Jarom 1: 7…A great leader teaches his people the ways of the Lord
  • Words of Mormon 1: 15-18…How a leader can change a group from contentious to peaceful
  • Mosiah 1: 18…Obey your Leaders
  • Mosiah 2: 11…A leader should serve his people with all his might, mind, and strength that the Lord hath granted him
  • Mosiah 2: 13…A good leader doesn’t permit his people to sin, but rather keep commandments
  • Mosiah 2: 15, 27…A leader that has done his part can go before the Lord with a clean conscience, without sins over his head
  • Mosiah 2: 18…We should follow our leader’s example in service
  • Mosiah 2: 25-26…King Benjamin puts himself on the same level as those who listen
  • Mosiah 2: 31…What leaders say comes from God. Listen to them and (1) You’ll prosper in the land (2) Your enemies won’t have power over you
  • 1 Nephi 19: 7…Those who don’t listen to the Lord’s counsel are trampling Him
  • Mosiah 18: 26…Leaders should have knowledge to teach w/ power & authority
  • Mosiah 18: 24, 26…Church leaders make their own money working with their own hands
  • Mosiah 18: 19…Only teach things spoken by Prophets
  • Mosiah 18: 13…When we’re baptized we covenant to serve God until we die
  • Alma 62: 45…Helaman went forth, didn’t wait for them
  • Mosiah 10: 22…Leaders should ask that the Lord blesses their people
  • Jacob 5: 75…What all leaders want the Lord to tell them.  He thanks them because (1) They’ve been diligent in working hard with the Lord in His vineyard; (2) They’ve kept all commandments; (3) They’ve again brought Him the natural fruit
  • Mosiah 13: 18…Don’t allow anyone (w/in your power that are inside your doors) fall into transgression
  • Mosiah 6: 6-7…So that a leader avoids contention within his people, he must: (1) Walk in the ways of the Lord (2) Observe the Lord’s judgments & statutes (3) Keep the commandments in all things whatsoever the Lord commands them (4) Cause people to work (5) Work with them (6) Follow other great leaders’ example
  • Mosiah 4: 3…Call people to attention so you can speak to them (when noisy)
  • Spencer W. Kimball, “We hope our bishoprics, who have a special stewardship in this regard, will see to it that they have effective quorum activities and active youth committees. As our young men learn quorum management, they are not only blessing other Aaronic Priesthood youth in those quorums, but they are also preparing themselves as future fathers and future leaders for the Melchizedek Priesthood quorums. They need experience in leadership, experience in service projects, experience in speaking, experience in conducting meetings, and experience in how to build proper relationships with young women.” From the Book “Priesthood” printed in 1981
  • “As always, I am indebted to many people who have helped shape my thinking, particularly my beloved priesthood leaders through the decades who have built my faith in priesthood power by demonstrating that power in their own lives. I am grateful for men of power who have chosen to stand on higher ground and to resist the pull toward popularity while denying themselves of the pollutions and perils of this world. I thank God for noble examples of Christlike kindness, gentle persuasion, yet powerful leadership as manifest in their words and deeds. In his great intercessory prayer, Jesus said: “and for (the disciples) sakes I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth” (). As Jesus, so many priesthood leaders have distanced themselves from defilement and, in the process, provided motivation and encouragement to those they were called to direct.” (Men of InfluenceRobert Millet, Preface Page xi)
  • “As Joseph Smith the Prophet declared: “Every man who has a calling to minister to the inhabitants of the world was ordained to that very purpose in the Grand Council of heaven before this world was ” (Teachings, 365). Elder Parley P. Pratt spoke of the foreordination or election of individuals “to certain offices, as written in the scriptures. In other words, certain individuals…were chosen by the Head to teach, instruct, edify, improve, govern, and minister truth and salvation to others, and to hold the delegated powers or keys of government in several spheres of progressive being. These were not only chosen, but were set apart by a hold ordinance in the eternal worlds” (Key to the Science of Theology40)” (Men of Influence3).
  • “To begin with, there is nothing wrong with aspiring to greatness, aspiring to spirituality, aspiring to be the best we can be. There is surely no sin in seeking to be better, sharper, more proficient, more intelligent, more effective. In fact, we really ought to work smarter in the Church and kingdom of God. And, second, there is nothing wrong with receiving the honors of men. Many of our great Church leaders of the past have been acknowledged nationally and internationally for their gifts, talents, and contributions. Elder Ezra Taft Benson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles was appointed United States Secretary of Agriculture in the Eisenhower administration from 1952 to 1960. Elder Richard L. Evans of the Quorum of the Twelve served as president of Rotary International. President Thomas S. Monson has received some of the highest recognition offered by Boy Scouts of America for a life of dedication to this marvelous organization. And the same is true for many other members of the church. Thousands of our yout serve as school or class officers; many of our women have been recognized as Mothers of the Year; and large numbers of our academic, political, military, and industrial leaders have become know and sought after, around the world, for their expertise. This is how it should be: the disciples of Christ, the Saints of the Most High, are called to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world, to make a difference because they are different, to allow their influence to be felt (; )” (Men of Influence, 27)
  • “When a man honors his priesthood and lives in a manner to allow God to work through him, he becomes a Christ figure, a true Christian, an ambassador of his divine Principal. Similar to his Exemplar, he is on a mission of redemption, a journey that will take him wherever God leads him. People listen when he speaks. He is more wise than witty, more character-filled than cute. There is substance to him; his waters run deep. He is a man, a real man, a priesthood man, a man of Christ.” (Men of Influence, 50)
  • “The situation was incredibly dangerous for these men. They were surrounded by 20,000 troops. Most of their cannons were gone. Having abandoned their trenches and other lines of defense, they huddled on the docks. Those still on the front lines faced an even more precarious situation, for when the sun rose- something that would happen in just a few minutes- the British would see that the lines had been abandoned and mount an attack. Those who manned the garrisons would be the first to die as they defended their positions with only a handful of men. The sky turned pink and the sun started rising on an army that was doomed. It was then that a dense fog settled over the Long Island side of the river. Thick and heavy, it muffled every sound and made it impossible to see. Trees and men were obscured at five feet and disappeared completely at ten. And though the sun grew higher, the fog didn’t burn off. The orderly retreat continue, this time under the cloak not of darkness but the thick shroud of fog. Working frantically beside his men, Washington offered direction and encouragement until the last of the American troops had made their way to safety.” Information on the retreat of the American army comes from Brookhiser, Founding Father, 18-9; Ferling, Almost a Miracle, 135-36; McCullough, 1776, 182-91
  • “If I were to try to read, much less answer, all the attacks made on me, this shop might as well be closed for any other business. I do the very best I know how- the very best I can; and I mean to keep doing so until the end. If the end brings me out all right, what is said against me won’t amount to anything. If the end brings me out wrong, ten angels swearing I was right would make no difference.” Abraham Lincoln, Seven MiraclesThat Saved America178
  • “On one occasion, after a congressional delegation had encouraged him (Abraham Lincoln) to make certain that America ended slavery so that God could continue to bless America, Lincoln replied: “My faith is greater than yours…I also believe He will compel us to do right in order that he may do these things, no so much because we desire them as that they accord with His plans of dealing with this nation, in the midst of which he means to establish justice…I have felt His hand upon me in great trials and submitted to His guidance, and I trust that as he shall further open the way I will be ready to walk therein, relying on His help and trusting in His goodness and wisdom.”” Seven Miracles That Saved America, Page 180
  • “Amazingly, throughout the battle, Abraham Lincoln remained unexplainably calm. During the entire episode at Gettysburg, while his Union army faced the possibility of a final crushing defeat, he was described as being “in excellent spirits.” Only later did Lincoln confide why he was possessed of such calm…. “When Lee crossed the Potomac and entered Pennsylvania, followed by our army, I felt that the great crisis had come. I knew that defeat in a great battle on northern soil involved the loss of Washington, to be followed perhaps by the intervention of England and France in favor of the Confederacy. I went to my room and got down on my knees in prayer. Never before had I prayed with so much earnestness. I wish I could repeat m prayer. I felt I must put all my trust in Almighty God. He gave our people the best country ever given to man. He alone could save it from destruction. I had tried my best to do my duty and had found myself unequal to the task. The burden was more than I could bear. I asked Him to help us and give us victory now. I was sure my prayer was answered. I had no misgivings about the result at Gettysburg.” Seven Miracles that Saved AmericaPage 190
  • “Ronald Wilson Reagan was undoubtedly one of those men described by Ralph Waldo Emerson: “There is a serene providence which rules the fate of nations…It makes its own instruments, creates the man for the time, trains him in poverty, inspires his genius, and arms him for the task.” Seven Miracles that Saved AmericaPage 263
  • “October 1970 had found Ronald Reagan approaching reelection as governor of California. One Sunday afternoon in Sacramento, he was visited by his longtime friend Pat Boone and a handful of prominent religious leaders. As the men were leaving, someone suggested the group share a prayer together. As they joined hands, a Christian businessman named George Otis began to speak. Feeling inspired by the Holy Spirit, Otis pronounced a prayer within which he referred to the governor as “My son” and declared, “If you walk uprightly before me, you will reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.” When Otis finished speaking, the group was silent for a long moment. The stillness was finally broken when Ronald Reagan simply uttered, “Well!” Ten years later, after his defeat of Jimmy Carter, Boone called Reagan and asked him if he remembered the event. Reagan answered, “Of Course I do.” After his brush with death in March 1981, he wrote in his diary, “Whatever happens now I owe my life to God and will try to serve him in every way I can.” In the early 1990’s, Ronald Reagan and his friend Bill Clark were together when an admirer congratulated the former president for his success in ending the Cold War. Mr Reagan smiled and replied, “No, not my success but a team effort by Divine Providence.” Seven Miracles that Saved AmericaPage 279
  • “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” Theodore Roosevelt
  • … And those men again stood to scatter their flocks; but Ammon said unto his brethren: Encircle the flocks round about that they flee not; and I go and contend with these men who do scatter our flocks.
  • “The world is full of people who are waiting for someone to come along and motivate them to be the kind of people they wish they could be. The problem is that no one is coming to the rescue. These people are waiting for a bus on a street where no buses pass. If they don’t take charge of their lives and put the pressure on themselves, they can end up waiting forever. And that is what most people do. Only about 2 percent of people can work entirely without supervision. We call these people “leaders.” This is the kind of person you are meant to be and that you can be, if you decide to be.” Eat That Frog, Brian Tracy, Page 76
  • “”Effective teaching is the very essence of leadership in the Church. Eternal life,” President Hinckley continued, “will come only as men and women are taught with such effectiveness that they change and discipline their lives. They cannot be coerced into righteousness or into heaven. They must be led, and that means teaching.”” Broken Things to Mend (Jeffrey R. Holland) Kindle Loc. 535-37
  • “The longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth – that God governs in the affairs of men.” (Benjamin Franklin, Miracle at Philadelphia, 126)
  • … And I know that the Lord God will consecrate my prayers for the gain of my people. And the words which I have written in weakness will be made strong unto them; for it persuadeth them to do good; it maketh known unto them of their fathers; and it speaketh of Jesus, and persuadeth them to believe in him, and to endure to the end, which is life eternal.5 And it speaketh harshly against sin, according to the plainness of the truth; wherefore, no man will be angry at the words which I have written save he shall be of the spirit of the devil.
  • … I have charity for my people, and great faith in Christ that I shall meet many souls spotless at his judgment-seat.
  • “God has saved for the final inning some of His stronger and most valiant children, who will help bear off the kingdom triumphantly.” (Ezra Taft Benson, Ensign, Apr. 1987, 73)
  • “The influence of your personal testimony is far-reaching.” (Thomas S. Monson, Ensign, May 1988, 43)
  • “True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and behavior. The study of the doctrines of the gospel will improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior will improve behavior.” (Boyd K. Packer, Ensign, Nov. 1986, 17)
  • … Wherefore, it burdeneth my soul that I should be constrained, because of the strict commandment which I have received from God, to admonish you according to your crimes, to enlarge the wounds of those who are already wounded, instead of consoling and healing their wounds; and those who have not been wounded, instead of feasting upon the pleasing word of God have daggers placed to pierce their souls and wound their delicate minds.
  • “Be admonished in all your high-mindedness and pride, for it bringeth a snare upon your souls.”
  • “The master nodded. “To hear the unheard,” he said, “is a necessary discipline to be a good ruler. For only when a ruler has learned to listen closely to the people’s hearts, hearing their feelings uncommunicated, pains unexpressed, and complaints not spoken of, can he hope to inspire confidence in the people, understand when something is wrong, and meet the true needs of his citizens.”” Eleven Rings: The Soul of Success. Phil Jackson and Hugh Delehanty. Kindle Loc. 1359-62
  • “Perhaps the person who described this overall view best was the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu who, when asked to describe the greatest leader of men, said, and I paraphrase, the greatest leader is the one who is not seen, is not heard and who is not felt, and yet is revered for a thousand years.”  A Reflection on the Nature and Practice of the Role of the Personne de Confiance in a System of Family Governance; Historically and Today.  By James E. Hughes, Jr., Esq.
  • “This phenomenon of service to others in a role as a great number two has been greatly under-appreciated in modern times.  We, in the West, have decided that leadership can only come from first achieving a position as number one.  All of these men’s lives give the lie to that proposition.  Isn’t it fascinating that in many cases the number two is the man history remembers, while the man or woman he served is less well known?”  A Reflection on the Nature and Practice of the Role of the Personne de Confiance in a System of Family Governance; Historically and Today.  By James E. Hughes, Jr., Esq.
  • D&C 90:17… (to the First Presidency of the Church): “Be admonished in all your high-mindedness and pride, for it bringeth a snare upon your souls.”
  • Jacob 2: 9...  Wherefore, it burdeneth my soul that I should be constrained, because of the strict commandment which I have received from God, to admonish you according to your crimes, to enlarge the wounds of those who are already wounded, instead of consoling and healing their wounds; and those who have not been wounded, instead of feasting upon the pleasing word of God have daggers placed to pierce their souls and wound their delicate minds.
  • “Never forget that intelligence rules the world and ignorance carries the burden.  Therefore, remove yourself as far as possible from ignorance and seek as far as possible to be intelligent.”  – Marcus Garvey
  • “We will all be tempted; no man is free from temptation. The adversary will use every means possible to deceive us; he tried to do that with the Savior of the world without success. He has tried it on many other men who have possessed divine authority, and sometimes he finds a weak spot and the individual loses what might have been a great blessing if he had been faithful.”  Teachings of Presidents of the Church: George Albert Smith, 2010, Page 10