• “For each member of the Mormon Battalion, the decision to enlist was an act of faith. Zadoc Judd wrote, “This was quite a hard pill to swallow-to leave wives and children on the wild prairie, destitute and almost helpless . . . , but the word came from the right source and seemed to bring the spirit of conviction of its truth with it and there was quite a number of company volunteered, myself and brother among them.”  James S. Brown observed that he did “not suppose there is an individual in the Battalion, who, had he been left to his own thoughts and feelings, independent of counsel, would have enlisted.” He added, “I would have felt very reluctant under the circumstances had it not been for the counsel of my brethren whom God authorized to dictate the affairs of His kingdom.”  Two days before the volunteers left, Church leaders met privately with them. President Young and others gave them “their last charge and blessing,” which included a promise that their “lives should be spared and [their] expedition result in great good, and [their] names be handed down in honorable remembrance to all generations.””  – President Scott Smith, High Council Meeting 03.10.2019