- 1 Nephi 10:19…The mysteries of God are unfolded by the Holy Ghost
- Alma 26: 22…Those that (A) Repent (B) Exercise faith (C) Bring forth good works (D) Prayeth continually without ceasing – They’re given (1) To know the mysteries of God (2) To reveal things which never have been revealed (3) To bring thousands of souls to repentance
- Alma 12: 9-10…Don’t harden your heart and you’ll receive the greater portion of the word and know the mysteries of God (fully)
- Alma 12: 11…Those that harden their hearts will receive a lesser portion until they know nothing of the mysteries, and will be led by the devil’s will down to destruction
- Alma 24: 21-27…The Lord accomplishes His purposes in many ways. 1005 of the righteous needed to be slain so that 1000 of the unrighteous could repent, and eventually be saved
- D&C 6: 11…Inquire- know Mysteries
- Alma 26: 22…Preach repentance- know Mysteries
- Alma 24: 22, 25-27…Lord works in mysterious ways
- Alma 37: 11…Refrain from speaking of mysteries of God (don’t waste time)
- 1 Nephi 10: 19…Search diligently and Mysteries are unfolded
- Alma 12: 9-10…How to know Mysteries of God
- Jacob 4: 8... Behold, great and marvelous are the works of the Lord. How unsearchable are the depths of the mysteries of him; and it is impossible that man should find out all his ways. And no man knoweth of his ways save it be revealed unto him; wherefore, brethren, despise not the revelations of God.