• Jacob 7:26…Time, our lives pass by as if a dream
  • Matt. 24:22…Time in last days shortened so that the elect can be saved
  • Alma 40:8…Time – all is one day with God
  • 3 Nephi 2:8…Time used since the birth of Christ
  • “You might realize that buying an expensive car isn’t worth the precious time you have to sacrifice in order to get it. You might realize that maybe you don’t admire a person’s post on Instagram displaying their new purchases from Gucci. Instead, you think of all of the more meaningful and exciting ways they could have spent their time. You start to value your time more than unnecessary, superficial purchases which depreciate in value. You realize that these “things” do not define people and that your time is worth more than them. But this isn’t just about buying things that you don’t need. Your life, in its essence, is purely a collection of moments in time. Where you spend your time, you spend your life. War is grounded in the notion of triumph and defeat. It is zero-sum”.– Bruce Jackson
  • “Western society has sold us the idea that material possessions define you. But the truth is that little defines you but you and that these “things” do not lead to long-term contentment, but often to the opposite.  The majority of us, through our work, trade our time for money, which we then use to purchase things. It can feel like you’re just spending paper bills or numbers on a bank statement, but the truth is that whenever you buy things, you are literally spending your time. You may not realize this, but when you buy things, you are valuing these purchases as much or more than the time it took you to make this money. Time which could possibly have been better spent with your loved ones, enjoying life, helping others, and doing what is important to you. And once you realize this, that money is your time, you start to view money differently.”  It Starts With You: The 3 Great Thoughts That Can Change Your Life By George Sourrys May 23, 2017, https://www.goalcast.com/2017/05/23/it-starts-with-you-the-3-great-thoughts-that-can-change-your-life/
  • “On any given day, how much time do you spend towards what matters most to you? Spending time with your family? Working on your craft? Taking care of yourself? Or…Do you spend hours on social media? Gossip sites? Randomly scrolling through Reddit until you realize an hour has passed by and you’ve done nothing productive? High-achievers tend to be great at prioritizing what is most important to them, so reflect on what you spend your time doing and make the necessary changes to realize the life of your dreams.”  11 Stoic Principles to Adopt to Live a Happier, More Fulfilling Life, Matt Valentine.  https://www.goalcast.com/2018/03/28/stoic-philosophy-principles-for-happier-life/
  • “Don’t say you don’t have enough time.  You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo de Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.”  – H. Jackson Brown
  • “Time is a precious commodity in our lives. Many well-meaning parents unintentionally limit their availability to be with their children because of important business, social, and charitable commitments. “While it is not possible to create universal rules regarding time,” Hausner says, “learning effective parenting techniques can make the time you spend with your children meaningful, memorable, and special, so that you are, in a sense, with them even when you are not.” Many observers have pointed out that the quality of time we spend with our children is just as important as the quantity.” Wealth in Families Third Edition (Charles W. Collier) Page 42
  • “November 9th, 1994 – Wednesday (Zone Conference Tungurahua).  Ambato & Puyo Ecuador…I know that if we’re going to be Gods someday that we’re going to have to keep a strict schedule. I don’t think God is ever tardy, and I know he’s organized. Might as well try to perfect this here on this earth-life.” – Clinton Brown Missionary Journal
  • “I don’t have time to worry about who doesn’t like me…I’m too busy loving the people who love me.” Charlie Brown
  • “Just believe and trust everything will come in its own time.” Even This, Emily Belle Freeman
  • “Most men do not set priorities to guide them in allocating their time and most men forget that the first priority should be to maintain their own spiritual and physical strength; then comes their family; then the Church and then their professions.” Conference Report, Harold B. Lee