• Alma 16:21…You get the victory over the devil and the Lord pours blessings on you when (1) The church is established throughout the land (2) The word of God is being preached in its purity in all the land
  • “…Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life, as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed.”  (Booker T. Washington)
  • December 19, 1995 – Tuesday – Quito Ecuador… “I then spoke with President Farnsworth about the situation that we have in Santa Ana, how much Satan is working, and how we aren’t sure who has the blame, if we’re doing something wrong, etc.  President said a lot of nice things to me.  He told me that there hasn’t been on Z.L. who has had success there because Satan works so hard and the members don’t support.  He told me that this is why I was there, to beat Satan.  He told me that Satan was going to work even harder, and that as we keep doing our part we’ll beat him.  President always knows how to hype me up.” – Clinton Brown Missionary Journal