• “Didn’t your mother always tell you “cleanliness is next to godliness”? The concept that being clean is a sign of spiritual purity and goodness might be considered extreme these days, but there is something to be said for the connection between physical and mental clutter. When the space we inhabit is chaotic and disorganized, whether it is our living space or our work space, it can be challenging to direct the necessary amount of energy towards our well-being and health. On average, people in disorganized environments can spend up to 90 minutes a day looking for things. Time wasted searching for misplaced items is time that could have been spent handling projects, personal communication, or perhaps a short lunchtime meditation.”  7 Scientifically Proven Ways to Reduce Stress at Work, by Marcus Clarke.  https://www.goalcast.com/2017/08/11/7-scientifically-proven-ways-to-reduce-stress-at-work/